Few natural materials have shaped the course of human history like gold has. This bright metal has served as everything from a measure of wealth to a symbol of love, and empires, marriages, and entire civilizations have risen and fallen because of it.

In modern times, gold is now used in luxurious jewellery to help couples express their love for one another, and its brilliance, aura, and beauty continue to make it the most popular wedding ring metal. But what does it symbolize, and who would wear it best? Let’s look at the meaning of gold wedding rings and see if they are right for you.


It should come as little surprise that yellow gold symbolizes luxury. In nearly every culture and country on Earth, gold is considered a thing of great value and is heavily invested in, traded, and saved. Throughout history the most successful people within societies from the Greeks to the Romans and all the way to our modern times have associated golden things like jewellery, pottery, and even furniture with living life in the lap of luxury. If you enjoy the finer things in life, then a gold wedding ring is right for you.


People and entire empires have risen to power through gold. In its very natural state, gold is a powerful and valuable metal. Rulers have shown their power with elegant jewellery and used it as a display of wealth. Royalty and the well-to-do still show elegance and standing in culture by flaunting their golden possessions. If you like the idea of holding a great thing with special power and significance, then look no further than a gold wedding ring.


Departing from its other meanings that have to do with wealth and power, gold also symbolizes aging and the wisdom that comes with it. Take, for example, the later years of our lives that are called “our golden years” or the pinnacle of achievement in a country being called “the golden age.” If you value knowledge, wisdom and excellence, then gold is your metal.

Randor carries a wide selection of metals to help you find the ring of your dreams, and we want to help you get the one that fits you best. The meanings of gold wedding rings are luxury, power, and wisdom. If you want to wear an ancient symbol of power, prestige, knowledge, and wealth, then we can help you find the gold wedding ring that’s perfect for you.