Luxury, Power, and Wisdom: The meaning of gold wedding rings

Few natural materials have shaped the course of human history like gold has. This bright metal has served as everything from a measure of wealth to a symbol of love, and empires, marriages, and entire civilizations have risen and fallen because of it. In modern times,...

What Should You Look for in a Diamond?

Diamonds are forever, or so says popular culture. We all feel something when we look at a diamond: awe, love, a feeling of luxury and permanence. Diamonds are a status symbol, a symbol of eternal love – and an economic investment. However sentimental a diamond might...

Our Most Popular Diamond Shapes

When it comes to buying a diamond for that special day, one of the most important things that you need to think about is the shape. Not only will it determine the look of the ring, but it will also determine how it feels on your finger and the customizations that can...

Our Metal Options for Men’s Wedding Bands

Here at Randor Jewellery, we are certain that we have something in stock that will fit the tastes of anyone you might be buying for. If we don’t have it, then we can have it made for you. We offer a long list of customization options for your wedding band, but the...

Why You Should Consider Titanium for a Custom Wedding Ring

One of Randor’s services that puts us a cut above the competition is our custom ring design. We offer numerous options to help you make the ring of your dreams. One of the major elements of the piece you can choose is the metal, and even though we offer many different...